Transition from to – 2024-06-24

Effective from 04:00am (UTC), 24th June 2024, our exchange website will be temporarily closed, and the exchange URL address (including API URL address) will be moved from to The maintenance is estimated to last for about 4 hours. During this time, all tokens deposits, withdrawals, and trades will be temporarily suspended. All pending orders will be cancelled by the cut-off time.

Why the change?

As part of our continuous commitment to improving our services, we have decided to rebrand our website to better align with our company’s vision and values. This change will allow us to offer an enhanced website experience while maintaining the same level of outstanding service and support you have come to expect from us.

What to expect:

Starting from the transition date mentioned above, accessing our website through the previous URL (, you will be informed of the corporate information of our group and also the new URL at for accessing our exchange service. You will be directed to once clicking the new URL ( shown at the top of the landing page of The new website will feature a refreshed design, an improved functionality, and an intuitive user interface to ensure a seamless browsing experience for our clients.

Actions required:

We kindly request you to make the necessary updates to your bookmarks or saved links, ensuring you replace with to avoid any issues or disruptions in accessing our exchange website.

For the avoidance of doubt, if you are using the API in accessing our exchange service, you are required to change your API URL from to in order to continue the access to our exchange service.

Our team will be available throughout this transition to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

Data and account security:

Rest assured that all your account details, preferences, and personalized settings will remain intact during this transition. There will be no impact on your login credentials or access to your account. Our complete data security protocols and privacy measures will continue to be in effect to safeguard your information.

Support and assistance:

We understand that changes like these can sometimes be confusing, and we are committed to assisting you throughout this transition. Should you encounter any technical difficulties or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team. They can be contacted by email at or or by phone at +852-2158-1600.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition. We are confident that our updated exchange website will provide you with an improved user experience and enable us to serve you even better.

Thank you for your continued trust and support. We look forward to serving you on our new exchange website,
